About IRD

Welcome to the International Research Development blog site at the University of Bristol!

On this site you will find blog entries from the IRD team about activities and opportunities for international research collaboration with the University of Bristol, as well as posts from some of the international visiting researchers who have visited the University of Bristol through one of the IRD schemes. Through these posts you can find out more about some of research activities that have taken place during visits, plans for ongoing and developing international collaborations, and reflections from visitors on their experiences at the University of Bristol.

Our portfolio of funding schemes includes the following:

  • Bristol Meaker Annual Awards
  • Research Development International Collaboration Awards
  • Bristol Benjamin Meaker Follow-on Fund

Through these schemes the International Research Development (IRD) team supports a range of activities designed to enhance international research collaborations with eminent professors as well as emerging research leaders. Find out more about these schemes on our Opportunities for International Research Development page.

To find out more about IRD please visit our website. If you have any queries about the IRD blog or would like to enquire about writing a blog post for us please contact the IRD office ird-office@bristol.ac.uk.

Please note that individual authors are responsible for the content of all blog posts, and they do not necessarily reflect the opinion of  IRD or University of Bristol.